Monday, November 17, 2008

For Little Ol' Me?? ;)...

Esther, who writes a very popular Catholic Blog of her own, has nominated me to receive the coveted Butterfly Award for my Catholic Blog here. Thanks so much, Esther (a very gracious lady)!
I go to her Blog quite often, nearly every morning as a matter of fact, so I know full well how faith-filled and inspirational she is.
There are a few rules to accepting this award, so (as I listen {fittingly} to "Ode to a Butterfly" by Nickel Creek on my iPod) I will list them here and then link to my choices of ten others who I feel deserve the same honor.

1. Pick ten people and pass this award to them.
2. Then contact them and let them know that you have chosen them and their blog for the award.
3. Also link back to the person who gave you the award.

And there they are, ten of my favorite Blogs to go to for a good laugh, a little bit of Catholic reflection, and a kindred spirit.
I hope these ladies are as happy to be chosen as I am... :)...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jenn; Thank you for picking me as one of the 10 :) What a pretty neat award, I love butterflies!

Hugs, and God bless,

I really need to update my Catholic blog more often....

christine M said...

Thank you so much! On behalf of everyone who makes One Came Back what it is I'm very honored!

*~JennD.'J.M.J.'~* said...

You are both very welcome! :)
For myself, the butterfly is perfect, since it is the symbol of my Artist's I am very happy to display the award on my page!
And 'One Came Back' is a wonderful idea for a Blog...always a favorite place to go when I am in need of intentions for which to pray, or when I need a few prayers myself! :)

NuthinLikeGatorMama said...

Thank you for the honor!!

CJ Sweet said...

Thank you so much, Jenn, for the honor! This is such a wonderful surprise and you've put me in with some fabulous company! Thanks for being a regular reader.


*~JennD.'J.M.J.'~* said...

hi Krystin & Cassie ~
no's fun keeping in touch here on Blogger, isn't it? ...something different than the usual Group, lol ~ a change of scenery! :)
I'm always glad to pass the smiles (and the butterflies) around ~ the more the merrier...

Marie said...

Esther:) is a wonderful lady and a good friend who loves and shares her faith wich such devoutness that she truly is inspirational to me and many others.

God bless you on this Award:)

I will be taking a few days break but DO watch the Youtube and let me know if you or your family can say the riddle the FIRST time? I can't because I giggle too much LOL!

Peace & JOY to you:)

Marie xoxooxox

*~JennD.'J.M.J.'~* said...

Marie ~ I have tried to say this riddle for over 40 years, and have not succeeded yet! ;) Danny Kaye is one of my three favorite actors of all time, right up there w/ Cary Grant & Jimmy Stewart...and the fact that he could say it in his sleep doesn't surprise me one bit!
I'm glad you like your award, lol. You deserve it... :)

Micki said...

I am humbled to have been chosen. Thank you Jenn. I love what you do and appreciate your picking out my holy card blog as one you enjoy. Blessings to you and all those who visit here.

*~JennD.'J.M.J.'~* said...

Micki ~ I always learn something new when I visit your Blog...I don't know how you find so many of them; your library must be humongous!
I enjoy every minute I am there...God bless you! :)