~ I have thought for a very long time that Oprah Winfrey was just a bit unstable...and these videos prove it. Let us all pray for her that she will one day see the Truth as It really is, not follow the New Age, and make amends for all the people she is leading astray...
“If we desire to make certain of heaven, dear friends, let us pray fervently for the souls in Purgatory. It may even be asserted that praying devoutly for the souls in Purgatory is an almost sure sign of salvation. If we have been faithful in praying for these poor souls then they will in turn help us. Throwing themselves at God’s feet they will plead: “Lord, have mercy for this poor soul, grace and mercy for her! Be merciful, Oh God, to this charitable soul who rescued us from the flames and satisfied Divine Justice” - St John Vianney
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My late husband&I were happily married for 37 years, until Augst 2014, when he passed away from a long illness ~ or rather, many illnesses. We have eight children, two more in Heaven. And so far, we have eight grandchildren, one more in Heaven.
I am a member of the World Apostolate of Fatima (Blue Army), the Holy Face Association, the Opus Sanctorum Angelorum (Work of the Holy Angels), and Friends of the Suffering Souls. As far as my Art is concerned, I am a member of the Colored Pencil Society of America and I have a BS in Fine Arts and Education.
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