Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Our Blessed Mother and Her Son Jesus Christ...

My first blog is dedicated to Our Lady and her Divine Son, Jesus Christ.
I have had a devotion to the Blessed Mother for as long as I can remember ~ I am 56 years old now, and it goes back more than 50 years ~ ever since I was old enough to know who She is.
There has never been anyone so beautiful or perfect in all of human history. God created Her with the knowledge that, through Her, we would be redeemed. Her Divine Son, Jesus Christ, is His only-begotten Son, the Son of God, God Himself Incarnate.
She had no hesitation in accepting what God had in store for Her; all She had to do was to give her 'Fiat' ~ 'Yes, I am here! I will do as You say!'
And that was all that was needed...She became, in that instant, the Mother of God.
She is all-loving and all-lovable; His most perfect dove...His beloved Daughter/Mother/Spouse. She is the Queen of Heaven and Mother and my Queen...
Jesus loves Her with everything His Sacred Heart can hold...and I, in imitation of Him, love Her as well. She is the sure way to Him, to Him through the Holy Father John Paul II would say, 'Totus Tuus!'...'I am all Thine!'
She will be my Patron through this blog of mine; I will post nothing contrary to the will of God. I will offer everything to Him, through Her Immaculate Heart.


Michelle (Mollylanguedoc) said...

Hi Jenn,

I've learned so much about Our Mother from you. I already love your blog.

Unknown said...

Hi Jenn!

I didn't know you had a blogger blog! I hope you write in it more! hehe

So glad we're friends!

God bless you!

*~JennD.'J.M.J.'~* said...

Hi to both of you! :)
I actually had this blog nearly two years ago, then neglected it ~ can you believe that I doubted I would have anything to say?! Me?!?? LOL...
I'm glad we're friends too, and even better ~ Sisters in Christ!
God bless you both...J.