Monday, August 11, 2008

A New Novena Starts...

Today is the Feast day of that great virgin/martyr Saint, Philomena. As I mentioned before, I am a member of FOSS, namely, Friends of the Suffering Souls.
Also, as I have mentioned before, I get their newsletters...and this week they have begun a novena to St. Philomena, who is very powerful with her intercession before Almighty God. She is known as the "Wonderworker."
She had great admirers among the other Saints as well...namely, the Cure d'Ars, St. John Vianney himself...and Ven. Pauline Marie Jaricot, whom she cured of a serious illness. Ven. Pauline, after her miraculous cure, which was witnessed by many, went on to found the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.
As was the usual way with Emperors long ago, Philomena was chosen to be his bride, as he was taken by her beauty and manner, but she had already chosen Christ to be her Spouse. So she was imprisoned, tortured and finally martyred. While in chains, she was consoled by Our Lady Herself and while being tortured she was visited and comforted by the Holy Angels.
A Saint who merits such singular attention by the very Courts of Heaven, not to mention the Holy Queen, certainly deserves mention here on my own Blog, a humble site written by one who is no match for her!
Let us all pray to St. Philomena for her intercession, not only for help in working to aid the Holy Souls in Purgatory, but in all our endeavors here on Earth.
God knows we can use all the help we can get...
Let us pray...


Anonymous said...

Hi! Just found your site and, while listening to a Catholic radio station out of Milwaukee, WI, heard about a new prayer to St. Philomena. It consists of saying 7 rosaries for 7 days straight. Have you heard of this? They said it was very powerful.

*~JennD.'J.M.J.'~* said...

Hi! I have not heard of that particular novena before; it does sound very powerful, tho' ~ since it also invoked the aid of Our Lady, as well as St. Philomena.
Are you saying that that it includes seven rosaries each day, or one per day for a week?
As a member of the Blue Army, I say at least one per day anyways, so any intentions I would ask God for are automatically included there... ;)...but I frequently say more than one, so either way, it would not be a problem!
If you don't mind, can you write back & let me know? My interest is piqued here, I have to admit, and maybe you can leave your name?
Feel free to read my Blog anytime and to leave a comment w/e you wish...It was nice meeting you! :)

Unknown said...

Hi again! I have just been reading some of your previous "musings" and realized that we are probably exactly in the same part of our lives! My husband and I just celebrated our 32nd anniversary Oct. 2nd. We have 3 daughters--two married and one to be married next June. Ages 30, 27 and 21. Our oldest daughter has had Raynaud's Syndrome and Scleroderma for 23 of those 30 years. Yet, she is a wife, mother of 3 little ones and a published author of poetry!! We have been praying for her for so long that, when I heard of this novena, I knew that it was the next step. After 23 years, sometimes I wonder if I should stop asking God to heal her? Is the 23 years His answer?? But, as a mother, I just can't stop hoping--and asking. She is in constant pain, has lost one finger to the illness and all the rest of her fingers and toes are compromised. She never complains. She is a model of faith to all who meet her. She is the strongest woman I know. Maybe I could ask another mom and grandma (i.e. YOU) to say a prayer for her too? Thank you.

*~JennD.'J.M.J.'~* said...

Thanks for responding! I have been looking online for some more info but have not found any. It definitely was 7 rosaries each day for 7 days. I have one rosary left to say today (my first day)! It can be difficult to fit in 7 rosaries--but the "doctor" they were speaking to on the radio said that it CAN be difficult. It was, I'm sure, "providential" that I happened on your blog--looking forward to hearing back from you also--!

Unknown said...

To learn more about Saint Philomena, please visit: