Monday, May 18, 2009

Just One More Prayer...

There is just something so sweet about the month of May being Mary's month. No matter how often I think I have it right, there is always one more thing I can think of to make it more Hers in my heart.
Just last week we were saying the 20-decade Rosary every day (until yesterday) for the pro-life intention. Now that the novena is done, I have been thinking to myself, "Why not continue? I have a 20-decade Rosary that I use quite often; I carry it in my purse everywhere I go ~ and very often to church to visit the Blessed Sacrament for at least an hour anyway!" I mean, why not?? After all, it's just one more prayer, right?
And today a friend in a Group to which I belong on Yahoo posted this link to a video on YouTube, which is encouraging young people to say the Rosary every day. As the video claims, "It's just 50 Hail Marys!"
The sequel can be found here:
As I pray this wonderful Chaplet, whether the 5- or the 20-decade, or anything in between, I am transported to a place where no one else follows. I can see in my mind's eye all the happenings of Our Lord's life, that of His Mother, and His friends. I see Her kneeling at prayer, speaking to St. Gabriel. I see Him in the manger, surrounded by light and thousands of Angels. I see Him being baptized by St. John. I see Him transfigured to show what He truly is, before He had to suffer and die. I see His "enemies" as they taunt Him before He dies, and I see the looks on their faces when they discover Him risen from the dead ~ and no amount of taunting or torture can stop His followers from believing in Him. And I see His Mother being assumed into Heaven to be crowned for all eternity as the Queen of the Universe.
There can be no better story ever told than that! And it is ours to re-live every single day of our lives if we would pray just one more prayer.
I know that many will tell me that they don't have the time to say this Holy Rosary of Mary's ~ what with trekking around after the kids all day, cleaning and cooking, going to work, falling into bed at night exhausted, on and on and on...
I say, "Why not say It as you work?" It really only takes about 15 minutes, over all, unless you do have the time to say more of It, and then, why wouldn't you? What can be so important in your life that you cannot give your own Mother a few minutes of your time?
There is a bumper sticker in these parts that I have seen which features a picture of the Rosary, surrounding a portrait of Mary, and it says, "Call your Mother. She's waiting to hear from you." I always smile when I see that one, and it puts it in my mind many times to take my own out of my purse and finger the beads as I drive along. It brings down Our Lady's protection upon me and the others on the road, wherever I am, it makes my Angel smile as he follows along...and many times I am done by the time I reach my destination ~ an added bonus if I am having a really busy day and I worry that I might have to put it off til later ~ something I abhor. And to make it even better, there have been times when I just figured it was an extra "Hello, dearest Mother Mary, I love You!" and I might get a chance to say a second one later in the day.
Either way, there is absolutely nothing, other than the Holy Mass and visiting the Blessed Eucharist, of course, that I would rather be doing to show my love for Them.
And since it is just one more prayer, I see no reason why that will ever stop! The image

O St. Dismas, as you hung on your cross, alongside my Jesus, He promised you that you would be with Him forever in Paradise. Please pray for me, that I, too, may someday realize His Promise of eternal life. Amen.
Dear St. Bernadette, Our Lady once promised you that you would be happy in the next Life. Please beg Her for me to keep me holy, so that I may someday realize the same Promise. Amen.


EC Gefroh said...

Jenn, what a lovely post. The picture of our lady is beautiful.

*~JennD.'J.M.J.'~* said...

hi Esther!
That pic is from the web page of our parish. They have an excellent webmaster there, and he keeps the site interesting!
I kinda resembles a statue of Her in the church. It is beautiful, isn't it? And so is She...