Sunday, May 10, 2009

O Holy Mother, on Mother's Day...

"Hail, Mary"
O most holy Mother of God, greetings!
"full of grace"
without blemish, without fault, without sin ~
"the Lord is with Thee!"
most favored of God the Father, most beloved of God the Son,
most esteemed of God the Holy Spirit
"Blessed art Thou among women"
holiest of all Mothers, most exalted of all women
"and blessed is the Fruit of Thy womb, Jesus!"
O most joyful of all events in all of history!
...the coming of the Eternal Word, borne for nine months in the womb of the holiest of all Mothers
...come to save mankind from itself!

"Holy Mary, Mother of God"
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! Dearest Mary, sweetest Mother!!!
"pray for us sinners"
O yes, we who have need of the most blessed coming, the us, o Lord!
Pray for us, dearest Mary!
"now and at the hour of our death."
Dearest Mother, conceived without sin,
intercede for us at the Throne of Your Divine Son ~ beg for His Divine Mercy to be upon us all...

"Amen." and forever...
Holy Mary, show Thyself our Mother!

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